Certified Companies of Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption

On Friday, July 14, 2023, Mr. Somkiat Aramruangkul Chief Executive Officer of Qualitech Public Company Limited was the representative of the company. Attend the certificate ceremony Congratulations to companies that have been certified members of the Thai Private Sector Anti-Corruption Coalition at the “CAC Certification Ceremony 2023 : Success Story For Sustainability” event organized by Thai Institute of Directors Association (I0D) as secretary of the Thai Private Sector Anti-Corruption Coalition Committee at Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok.

Qualitech Public Company Limited is one of the private companies. A total of 95 companies were considered to be certified to renew membership of the Thai Private Sector Anti-Corruption Coalition for the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2022 and were invited to attend the certificate presentation event. By certifying the renewal of membership this time. It is the second renewal certification of the company within the certificate awarding ceremony of Mr. Somkiat Aramruangkul. Became a representative of the company Receiving a certificate The certificate was given to a company that had passed the certification for the second renewal, namely Dr. Saowanee Thairungroj (CAC COUNCIL). After that, a group photo was taken with representatives of other private sector companies that had passed the certification for membership renewal. Private sector anti-corruption coalition

In this regard, the committee of the Private Sector Coalition Against Corruption has resolved to renew the certification of Qualitech Public Company Limited as a member of the Thai Private Sector Coalition Against Corruption for the second time. It is considered to emphasize that it is Company that has operating standards that can carry out a systematic anti-corruption policy Including adhering to conducting business with ethics, honesty, transparency, including responsibility to society and all stakeholders.